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24 Daily Habits To Reset Your Day and Improve Your Life

24 Daily Habits To Reset Your Day and Improve Your Life

Have you ever felt like your day is a constant cycle of waking up, working, sleeping, and repeating? I know, it feels like you’re robotic, like all you’re doing is existing. We have all been there, but I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be that way. Your day can be filled with meaning and enjoyment. Today, I’ll share with you 24 daily habits to reset your day and improve your life. So, let’s dive in.

24 Daily Habits To Reset Your Day and Improve Your Life
Image by Young Women’s Essence

1. Avoid Going On Social Media in the Morning

Going on social media first thing in the morning set the tone for a chaotic day. It causes you to be unproductive, distracted, and mentally drained. So, instead, read a book, listen to a podcast, take a nice morning walk, or simply enjoy the stillness that the morning brings.

2. Practice Gratitude

Practice gratitude by making it a daily habit.
Photo by Gabrielle Henderson on Unsplash

A daily habit that’ll put you in a good mood each morning is being grateful. When we choose to be grateful, our energy shifts causing us to focus on the things that we already have and not on the things that we don’t have.

You can practice gratitude by writing down three things you are grateful for each morning, it can be simple things such as the delicious coffee you had or the beautiful sunny day.

3. Read

A woman reading a book on the sofa with a dog next to her.
Image by Kaboompics

You can reset your day by opening your mind to new perspectives through reading. Read at least 10 to 60 minutes a day. Whether it’s fiction, self-help, or articles, reading is a great way to expand your knowledge.

4. Exercise

Make exercising a daily habit.
Image by Kaboompics

Whether you go to the gym, for a walk, or participate in a pilates or yoga lesson, the goal is to incorporate movement into each day.

Exercising helps to boost your energy and can be a catalyst for motivation throughout the day.

5. Review Your Goals

Reinvent your day by reviewing your goals.
Photo by Prophsee Journals on Unsplash

Reviewing your goals is one of the best daily habits that make sure you are staying on track to accomplish your goals. Take a few minutes each morning to revisit your goals. Reflect on the activities you planned and see if they align with your goals. Ask yourself, “Am I on track?” “What small actions can I add to my day that’ll bring me closer to my goals?”

6. Prioritize Self-care

Make prioritizing your self-care a daily habit.
Photo by Polina Kuzovkova on Unsplash

Self-care is deeper than taking warm bubble baths and putting soothing sheet masks on your face, it’s also about knowing your daily personal needs and tending to them.

So, whether it’s journaling, taking a 10-minute rest, or saying no to something that doesn’t serve you, it is considered prioritizing self-care.

7. Learn Something New

Reinvent your day by learning something new. When we learn something new daily it encourages us to be students of life. To make learning a daily habit you can start off by learning fun facts and new words.

8. Tidy Up Your Environment

Woman putting away dishes.
Photo by Grass America on Unsplash

A cluttered environment correlates to a cluttered mind. Therefore, take a few minutes each day to declutter your living area and workspace.

A tidy environment will make you more productive, feel better, and less distracted.

9. Set Your Clothes Out For the Next Day

Reset your day by setting out your clothes the night before.
Photo by Junko Nakase on Unsplash

One of the best daily habits to adopt is to set your clothes out you’re wearing the next day, the night before. This is a great way to avoid burdening yourself with making too many decisions the next morning. Hence, pick out your work clothes, gym clothes,etc., for the next day. This also saves you time.

10. Spend Time in Nature

A woman sitting in the front of a lake during sunset.
Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

Become one with nature each day by spending time outdoors. Moreover, spending time in nature can put your mind at ease. So, make it a daily habit to go outside and enjoy the feeling of the warm sun on your skin, the smell of fresh air in your nostrils, and the sound of birds chirping in your air.

11. Have a Morning and Night Time Routine

Woman drinking tea and reading a book.
Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

Start your day off with you in mind. Do things that you love doing, but still keep it productive. So, whether it’s reading a book, attending a cycle bar class, sipping tea, or journaling you can be sure to prepare yourself for a great day.

Also, close your day out with intention. Consider indulging in some self-care, reading, or journaling. Create a routine that puts you at ease, forget about worries of the day, and prepare you for another successful day.

12. Avoid Indulging in Things that Don’t Benefit You

The reason behind a lot of stressful and unsuccessful days is getting distracted by things that don’t benefit you. Hence, consider cutting off things that don’t help you to grow, be happy, healthy, or are just a waste of your time.

13. Compliment Someone

Make someone’s day and yours by complimenting them. Complimenting someone can make them feel good about themselves and is an act of spreading positivity. So, the next time you see a familiar face or a not-so-familiar face compliment them.

14. Take Cold Showers

I know, I know this daily habit might sound insane, but hear me out it comes with benefits. Taking cold showers produces a shock system that promotes blood circulation, wakes you up, and boosts your mood.

Therefore, consider taking 30-second cold showers each morning and then increasing the time.

15. Practice Meditation or Breathing Exercises

Woman meditating.
Photo by madison lavern on Unsplash

Practice mindfulness each day by meditating or doing breathing exercises, this can reset your day and put your mind at ease.

Try deep belly breathing or meditation for ten minutes to calm your mind and connect with your inner self.

16. Do Things That Brings You Closer To Your Goals

Every day is an opportunity to bring yourself closer to achieving your goals. You can do this by making sure you’re taking small steps toward your goals each day. Remember that micro steps can build up to marco accomplishments over time.

17. Eat Healthy

Make eating healthy a daily habit.
Photo by Bakd&Raw by Karolin Baitinger on Unsplash

Nourishing your body with healthy foods can give you the boost you need to have a productive day. Incorporate into your everyday diet a variety of fruits and vegetables. Also, increase your intake of water to stay hydrated.

18. Do A Hobby

Woman gardening.
Photo by Zoe Richardson on Unsplash

Life isn’t just about work and responsibilities, it’s about enjoying it and you can do this by doing hobbies.

Make doing hobbies a daily habit by setting aside time for doing things you love and you’re interested in.

So, whether you like gardening, painting, or dancing, feed your day and soul with joy and fulfillment.

19. Write Your To-do-List the Night Before

Woman writing down to-do-list.
Photo by Prophsee Journals on Unsplash

Your nightly routine should consist of things that will prepare you for the next day. Hence, writing a to-do-list the night before is a great way to set yourself up for a productive day ahead.

20. Live in the Moment

Too often we get caught up in the past or the worry of the future and don’t realize that the present is a gift and it’s all we got, the here and now.

Pause. Breathe. And live in the moment, appreciate what is happening in the now.

21. Smile More

A woman smiling on the street.
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels

Putting a smile on your face can brighten up your mood and the mood of others. Therefore, make it a daily habit to smile to yourself in the mirror, a loved one, or a stranger.

22. Organize Your Finances

A woman counting money.
Image by Kaboompics

One of the best daily habits is to organize your finances. You can do this by reviewing your spending, budget, and savings. Being mindful of your finances can reduce stress and keep you in control.

23. Morning Stretch

Stretch each morning as a daily habit.
Photo by LittPro Inc on Unsplash

Reinvent your day by making it a habit to stretch each morning. Stretching improves your flexibility and circulation, and reduces backaches.

24. Practice Positive Affirmations

A woman reading affirmation cards.
Photo by Dushawn Jovic on Unsplash

Speak positivity into your life and day by practicing positive affirmations. Start off by telling yourself, ” I am capable”, “I will conquer the day,” or “My day was a success.”

To Wrap Things Up

Like Artistole once said, “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” So, let’s incorporate these daily habits into our lives to shape and mole us into better women but also to have more fulfilling days.

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